Un Divano Spaziale (Space Sofà)

The book by Fabio Salvadori “Un Divano Spaziale” is online from today Tuesday 6 July on Amazon.it. Downloadable for free (https://www.amazon.it/Divano-Spaziale-Rivoluzione-Ecosostenibile-Imbottito-ebook/dp/B09694RJ53), the author tells about his life as an entrepreneur from his beginnings to the realization of innovative projects. […] Fabio is a boy apparently like many, born in a little village in the center of Tuscany, who grows up with an avid curiosity to find his place in the world, with the idea of creating something good to give to the next generations, to leave a sign, as a man and as an entrepreneur.
With a conversational and direct writing, Fabio takes us into his world made of a thousand interests, of life-changing encounters, of setbacks from which he immediately got up, of memorable experiences, all written with the determination of those who have lived and who still lives on his own skin, step by step, the emotions of those who want to be an entrepreneur.
A first-person training story, through which we discover how a young boy full of questions and curiosities about his future, gradually becomes a businessman with a clear message of positivity towards the world to come.