Life Cycle Assessment

In Superevo® we firmly believe in innovation according to the rules of sustainability.
We are convinced that sustainability, in addition to reducing the impact on the environment, at the same time makes the company more competitive. There is no future without sustainability. Hence the desire to study the life cycle of our products and processes by applying the Life Cycle Assessment methodology.
The LCA – Life Cycle Assessment analysis is a study that allows us to highlight the environmental performance of the business system, give an objective measurement for the entire life cycle and identify the most critical and / or most virtuous phases. Through this study we have evaluated the energy and environmental loads related to our production process, through the identification of all the inputs and outputs generated during the various phases of the production cycle.
LCA is internationally recognized by ISO 14044-44 standards.
Thanks to the LCA we analyze the environmental footprint of our products “from cradle to grave”, or rather from the raw materials to the final disposal at the end of the product’s life, analyzing the strengths and weaknesses throughout the supply chain, giving us the possibility of seeking innovative solutions for improvement
continuous. Download the brochure (ITA VERSION) LCAdiSUPEREVO